About me

My name is Mathias Berwig, I’m the kind of developer who cares to use the best practices to develop great products and services. You can read a more updated description or see my past experiences on LinkedIn.

Some of my work is available in my portfolio or in my GitHub profile. I’m always looking for good opportunities to work with great people on amazing projects. Get in touch.


Call Info Sender

Android application developed for a Ukrainian company which needed to register incoming call logs into a Google Docs Spreadsheet.

Cidadão Ijuiense

Android App that won the Open Tech Space's Hackathon of ExpoIjuí Fenadi 2016. It allows the user to send requests directly to the Government in order to expedite the service of such occurrences.

Course: Introduction to Android Dev

A one night course about Android programming which I taught during the 2016 Computer Science academic week of UNIJUÍ.


A commercial guide that solves customer relationship issues for ACI (Associação Comercial e Industrial de Ijuí) and is built thinking in which insights business need to obtain from its potential customers as they search for companies or services.

Locutor da Hora

It's an award-winning educational app developed to help kids to practice their vocal abilities. It works as a radio studio simulator which allows users to create their own texts using macros (like date, time, city) to generate text according to their context.

RN Berwig website

Website developed using Jekyll for RN Berwig company in August, 2016. Besides the creation of the site, this work involved the edition of the product photos and mail accounts migration.

Unijuí Virtual

UNIJUÍ's app for providing university's services for its students.